New Spring Vegetable Salad

Serves 4

675 g/ 1 ½ lb small new potatoes, halved
4OOg/14oz can broad beans, drained
115 g/4 oz cherry tomatoes
75 g/3 oz/l/2 cup walnut halves
30 ml/2 tbsp white wine vinegar
15 ml/1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
60 ml/ 4 tbsp olive oil
pinch of sugar
225 g/8 oz young asparagus spears, trimmed
6 spring onions, trimmed
salt and freshly ground black pepper
baby spinach leaves, to serve

1-Put the potatoes in a saucepan. Cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Cook for 10-12
minutes, until tender. Meanwhile, put the broad beans in a bowl. Cut the tomatoes in half and
add them to the bowl with the walnuts.
2-Put the white wine vinegar, mustard, olive oil and sugar into a jar. Season with salt and pepper.
Close the jar tightly and shake well.
3-Add the asparagus to the potatoes and cook for 3 minutes more. Drain the cooked
vegetables well. Cool under cold running water and drain again.
4-Add the asparagus, potatoes and spring onions to the bowl containing the broad bean
mixture. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss well. Serve on a bed of baby spinach leaves.
Thickly slice the potatoes and cut the spring onions in half.